Atria Discovers New Voices

Atria Books is always on the lookout for talented new writers with great stories to tell.  With this in mind, we are launching an innovative new program that allows writers to submit their work directly to our editors for consideration.  

If you have work that you think might be right for our list, please read the instructions below and provide the material requested.  If we like what we read, and want to read more, we will get back to you within one month.

At this point, we are looking exclusively for novel-length commercial fiction, including Women's Fiction (contemporary and historical), New Adult Fiction, Crime Fiction, and Literary Fiction.  We are also looking for Non-Fiction, including Biography and Memoir, Self-Help, Narrative Non-Fiction, and Cookbooks.  At the present time, we are not accepting submissions of poetry, children's or young adult books, coffee table books, or text books.

Any submission must consist of:

1) A completed title information sheet. 

2) The first chapter or section of your manuscript, not to exceed 6,000 words.

3) A short synopsis of no more than 300 words outlining the rest of the book. 

To learn more about what kind of books Atria is publishing, please click here.

When you send us your submission, you'll receive an automatic email acknowledging receipt.  No other acknowledgement will be sent to you.  The synopsis and chapter excerpt of your submission will be read, and we will contact you by email within a month, either asking to read more of your book or declining the opportunity to pursue it for our list.  If we decline, due to the volume of submissions and demands of staff time, we will not be able to provide you with specific reasons for our decision.

Thank you for your interest in being published by Atria Books, and best wishes for every success.
Atria Discovers New Voices